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Supporting Cancer Patients in Our Community: Interview with Suzanne Johnson on 105.9 FM
As a fellow cancer patient/survivor, and now thriver, Suzanne Johnson talks with Steve Milizia about her journey with Sail Beyond Cancer and her vision of the healing transformation that wind, water, and sail can provide to anyone who is challenged by cancer.


Vince H.
I had a wonderful time sailing with you. It was relaxing, it was fun, it's something I will never forget. I am so grateful for what you people do and thank you so much for doing it for me and everyone else. Like you say I didn't even think about having cancer when I was out there, it just was a wonderful night and I have great people around me. Thank you again

Julia H.
Thank you so much for taking us out for the day. It has been an amazing respite from the daily slog of cancer. I didn’t know how much I needed this. Thank you for helping us and so many other families.

Bill A.
The evening sail was the right choice and we had perfect weather. It was a nice family outing for us all!
And thank you and your entire team for making this happen and all these great pictures!