Help Support Cancer Patients & Their Loved Ones
How does "your" donation
make a difference?
Message about our nonprofit
Every single dollar raised makes a difference for anyone, of any age, who is being challenged by cancer-- of any type. Your support is a special gift of time; time away from all of the stress that a cancer journey brings to both the patient and their loved ones, as well as time together, while being powered by the wind, the water and sail.
Your gift creates lasting life-time memories; each sailing excursion is documented with photos that are shared with everyone.
Sail Beyond Cancer provides free, three-hour, private sails for cancer patients, their caregivers, and their loved ones. Our vision is put into action through providing meaningful experiences of relief from the challenges of living with cancer.
We focus on providing private, individual sailing excursions that create opportunities to rebuild courage and make lasting memories, while leaving a positive imprint on society.
Why donate to
Sail Beyond Cancer ?
Just about everyone knows someone who has had or has cancer. There are very few nonprofits that serve both the cancer patient and their loved ones at the same time, together--- outdoors and powered by nature--- on their own private excursion.
In donating to Sail Beyond Cancer, you do so knowing that your support will provide positive, transformational experiences to cancer patients and their loved ones.
What are the donations going to be used for?
The funds that are raised for Sail Beyond Cancer are primarily unrestricted funds and are used to help with the operating costs of our organization. This includes scheduling, coordinating, and follow-up of all of our passengers, as well as program coordination, insurance, and maintenance on the vessel. Our sailing program is run mostly by volunteers.