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Vicki Sapporta Wins Volunteer of the Year!

CONGRATULATIONS to our very own Sail Beyond Cancer Annapolis Lead Captain, and Board President Vicki Saporta who just won the 2022 SpinSheet Magazine VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR AWARD!

Vicki is an outstanding sailor, and has been absolutely instrumental in getting the Annapolis chapter started — from putting together the Board of Directors and conducting monthly Board meetings, to conducting outreach and fundraising activities, and recruiting and training captains and crew to conduct our mission sails.

She has also personally conducted seven of our 24 sails this year for cancer patients and their loved ones aboard her Sabre 402, and raced her boat in the three charity races with “Sail Beyond Cancer” banners to raise awareness for SBCA.

Vicki has turned volunteering into a full time job and has made a difference in the lives of so many in the Chesapeake Region!!

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